Cassandra Clare – Chain of Gold Audiobook (The Last Hours)
Cassandra Clare – Chain of Gold (The Last Hours, Book 1. Audiobook

Chain of Gold Audiobook
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Cordelia hears James and Matthew’s parabatai Matthew discussing the arrival. of His long.-Lasting crush starting from the outside of Cordelia is shocked to discover that he has returned her sensations.
Since they were 13 years old, Poise and ames have shared a secret relationship. They spend as much time as possible together when the Herondales visit Idris.-They go on annual trips. They have corresponded by letter between visits, and they have shared their thoughts, as well as dreams, along with a few smoochs in the past couple. of years. Chain of Gold Audiobook Free Online James greets Elegance, and continues to dance with Elegance with all his thoughts of Cordelia appears to have forgotten Grace’s surprise appearance.
During the ball, a demon comes to her aid and James’s cousin Barbara is also assaulted. Although she claims that she passed out, everyone believes it was because her corset was too restrictive. She appears to be back to normal after her corset is removed. James is able to recognize the difference because he saw Barbara’s ankle joint being pulled down and had discolored.
James’s mothermy Tessa gave him the satanic force blood. However, he has been able to show up in a strange way. He sometimes slips into the darkness realm. of Real life in distorted photographs of He can be seen and heard by people and objects in monochrome shades. His special power is feared by Shadowhunters, which led to his expulsion from Shadowhunter Academy. James can’t control the moment the darkness power strikes, but he is not able to predict when it will happen.
They continue as usual, even though most don’t know James was in the darkness world or Barbara was assaulted. They have their picnic the very next day. Cordelia pushes James aside to ask him for forgiveness about leaving Cordelia on the floor alone. He has always felt a unique connection with Cordelia, even though they only get together occasionally. He used to have feelings for her, even though they only see each other occasionally. He was too young to express what he felt. In any case, he is sorry that he abandoned her for Poise.
Elegance, who is also speaking with James, arrives in a carriage to accompany them on their outing. Cordelia informs James that she has feelings for Poise and gives her consent to let James leave their conversation to meet with her. Cordelia joins Lucie and Matthew as well as a few close friends. Soon, they notice a dark cloud and wonder if a storm is on the horizon. It seems unnatural, however, and a devil emerges. of The neighboring lake. Three Shadowhunters, Ariadne, Piers and also Barbara, are seriously wounded. of The fight that ensues causes minor injuries to the other participants.
The injured teens are rushed to Herondale Estate to be treated in the clinic. To help patch small wounds, everyone lends their hand. There are many. of The Silent Brothers arrive to help the three teens who are most severely injured. James is excited to hear that there might be a chance and he takes his Uncle Jem (aka Bro Zimariah) with him for a while to ask about the resurfacing. of His shadow capabilities. He’s frightened of Jem believes they are harmless and can fulfill a function if they learn more about them.
Lucie has a secret for Cordelia: She is now back with the boy she saw as a young girl. He was there when Poise, Tatiana, her embraced mother, arrived. Lucie examined him and found that no one else in the room had seen him. The seventeen-year-old boy tells Lucie he’s a ghost.-Year-Jesse Blackthorn, a former student, died of Ailment that he suffered from 7 years before. His mother asked Downworlders for protection, and his spirit was kept in the in.-between. Elegance, his mommy, and Elegance can see him too. He thought Lucie would only be able to see him as a youngster. He marvels that he can still be seen six years later.
Lucie would like to visit Jesse at Blackthorn Mansion. Cordelia and Lucie slip onto the grounds at night. Lucie enters your home to find Jesse while Cordelia wanders into the greenhouse. James intervenes and saves Cordelia from being struck by a demonic. Cassandra Clare – Chain of Gold Audio Book Free. He saw a bright light and approached it. of Cortana is Cordelia’s favorite sword. It was Cordelia. of They work together to defeat the devil.
Charles Fairchild and Will Fairchild back in the house ask James about Blackthorn Manor and the reasons he went there. But he refuses to reveal the truth. His papa will not know about his feelings for Elegance and that he is currently trying to enter the dark world. Charles insists James will not get reprimanded, but encourages him to stay away from Poise’s home and family.
James gets a note to fulfill Elegance. She claims she is in danger.
Cordelia examines Anna and informs her that they are at risk. The Territory will not identify them. Matthew appears to join Anna at a Downworlder meeting. Anna wishes Cordelia to find the same.
Jesse arrives in Lucie’s bedroom to give a warning. He claims that Cordelia and James, the demons eliminated in the Blackthorn greenhouse, have actually spawned a lot. of It has been repeated many times. Jesse believes in the brand-New satanic forces could be after James while Poise is meeting.
Cordelia earns the respect of the Downworlders when she stops Arabella, a mermaid, from poisoning their drinks. They will keep an eye out for any demonic activity, and notify the Shadowhunters if they notice it.
Lucie calls James’ closest friends to request help in finding Grace or her brother. They arrive at Anna’s home and find Alastair looking for Cordelia. Matthew and Cordelia arrive as a couple of Minutes later, the others quickly inform James that they are in danger. Matthew knows where Grace is, but Grace suggests that Grace meet Matthew at the spot James and Matthew used to practice their balance.
Grace arrives at River Front and asks James for his Shadowhunter blood. He tells Grace to run away and get married to her. This is the only way Grace can escape her cruel mother. James contemplates the matter silently, but decides that he cannot leave his friends, family, and parabatai. Grace is furious at him declaring it, but a demon attacked and cut her short.
There is more than one demon. James’ sister and his friends arrive with their weapons of Help him defeat the pack of demons.
James is recognized by the strongest demon. He questions why James is fighting to destroy the creatures that worship his grandfather. Tessa’s demon-father is called a prince by the demon. of Hell is a fallen angel with the same power as Raziel. James is stunned by the revelation. He allows the demons to go by the name of His grandfather, as long as they return to their own dimensions. They will, so long as they don’t tell any Shadowhunters about the events at the waterfront.
Tatiana, after they have left, pulls up in her car and searches for Grace. James pleads for Grace to accompany him to the Institute. His father will give Grace safe sanctuary. Tatiana says she will produce evidence that Grace is a black magician and conjures demons. If Grace does not return home, it would be a disaster for her reputation and her life.
Will hosts Ragnor Fell as a guest when they return from work. Tessa takes Will to the infirmary. Ragnor then speaks with James, the Shadowhunters and the others. He will assist them by giving them their name of Emmanuel Gast is one person who may have the answers. After the promise that they would keep the name from the adult Shadowhunters, he does not reveal the name. Tessa returns from the room to share terrible news: Barbara has just been killed.
Jem arrives to James to meet him at his request. Will then leaves them alone to chat. James informs his uncle about the possible identity of his grandfather and asks Jem for help. Jem knows of someone Jem can ask, but James promises not to tell anyone about it until he has an answer. They are greeted by visitors and they go to Tessa and Will’s house. This time it’s an adult Shadowhunter. It’s been another attack by demons, and someone they don’t know well has also died.
James visits Cordelia in order to inform her about Barbara’s passing and the latest demon attack. This attack is similar to others in that the demons want to primarily infect Shadowhunters and kill only as a last resort. James asks Cordelia if Cordelia would be willing to come along to Gast’s visit with Lucie, Matthew and Matthew.
Gast’s apartment remains empty so the four of They go on exploring it. They discover books A drawing can be drawn in any other dimension. of A box with foreign runes and its remains of Some sort of Wooden weapon with runes.
Lucie finds Gast’s body in his bedroom. Gast’s ghost also appears in his bedroom and recognizes Lucie’s different blood. She confronts the ghost, and it reveals that it was hired to summon demons to London to destroy Shadowhunters. He was shot to death by the Shadowhunters as soon as he arrived. After answering her questions, the ghost flees on Lucie’s orders. Matthew rushes to her aid, as she rushes out for fresh air.
They return to the institute, where they lie to Tessa and Will about their travels. Jessamine is questioned about ghosts’ ability to lie in order to verify Gast’s claims. There is a lot of noise outside. Charles arrives in a carriage with Grace and Tatiana, who are bleeding from the head. Grace pulls James aside as Tatiana is being cared for by the Silent Brothers at the infirmary.
Lucie sends Cordelia following James because he has been away for a while. Matthew remains alone. Since she witnessed him drinking affect his ability to scale a wall to enter Gast’s apartment, she asks him about it. Matthew is touched that she is concerned for him, but he rushes to get out. of The room explodes when Lucie claims she is just trying to ensure James’s parabatai are at the top of To keep her brother safe, he played a game.
James tells Grace that Grace is marrying Charles because James wouldn’t allow it. Charles was engaged with Ariadne. Cordelia knows that Charles has feelings for Alistair, but he is going to claim that they broke up the engagement at her request. James is shocked at this statement, but she will not reconsider. Before she leaves, she asks to return her bracelet. The bracelet is gone, and something feels strangely, inexplicably different.
Grace finds Matthew and shares what happened. She appears to hold Matthew still and then kisses him. If Matthew does not speak a word, she threatens to tell James all about her kiss. of Their conversation with anyone.
Matthew sees James, distraught and desperate to drink from Matthew’s pocket. He starts to feel strangely detached from the entire situation. James begins to feel like something is drastically different the next day. He only recalls the emotional pain he experienced yesterday. The pain is gone.
Will and Tessa are now on the Silent Brothers’ journey to transport Tatiana, Tatiana, and other wounded Shadowhunters to Silent City. Chain of Gold – The Last Hours, Book 1. Audiobook Free. Grace will be staying in a family close to the City so she can be near her mother.
Cordelia gets a letter from Charlotte in which she answers her questions about her dad. Cordelia knew he was being questioned about his father’s death by Charlotte, and that the Mortal Sword would help clear his name. The demon attack was erased from his mind, so the sword cannot clear his name.