James Dashner – The Scorch Trials Audiobook (Free)
James Dashner – The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner, Book 2) Audiobook

The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner, Book Two) Audiobook
The Story grabs are made where the series was previously installed. The Maze Runner, ended. The Gladers have been expelled from the Puzzle, and they are currently resting in dorm.-Like chambers in a rescue center. The Labyrinth was a terrible collection of human experiments. The Teresa and children are uncertain of the future. Thomas awakens to discover that the zombie is there.-Cranks, or cranks, are attacking the center. Cranks are people who have become insane and are slowly being eaten up with a virus called Flare. Thomas finds the bodies of their rescuers hangin’ in a close.-By space. He finds Aris in the place of Teresa while he searches for Teresa. James Dashner – The Scorch Trials Audiobook Online. Aris claims to be the only child in Team B. This is similar to Teresa’s claim that Aris was the only girl from Group A. Aris doesn’t know how Group B got to the Team A facility. Untold events take place where the dead dangling body go away. The Children also discover strange ‘roles,’ as a result of tattoos placed on their necks. Thomas and his friends are both put to work for several days. They gradually lose their freedom. Finally, a mysterious man, shielded from a force, appears in the facility.-field. Food has also been discovered. The Man that aids WICKED is nicknamed “Rat Guy” by the children. This refers to his looks. Rat Guy informs the boys Stage 2 is over. Scorch TrialsThey will soon be able to get started. Rat Guy then leaves, after giving guidelines for the following days.
Thomas and the Gladers also follow Rat Man’s instructions and tip through the force-The following morning, a field called an Apartment Trans was found. They are delivered into a passage where a strange cutting device kills many children. The Children are born into the sun.-Baked marsh is what they need to cover up in order for them to reach the “Safe House” Rat Guy has told them about. They have a time limit to get to the Safe house. There they will be given a treatment. Rat Man actually claimed that all the young men have the Flarevirus, and they must reach the Safe Haven. They move towards the city as they travel toward the desert. Before they arrive in the city, they hear screaming of women. The Missing Teresa appears instantly in the distance and draws Thomas into a nearby shack. She attempts to warn Thomas about something and likewise kisses his cheeks. Thomas is left confused and upset when she flees.
A terrible lightning storm strikes the barren land before the Gladers can reach the city. The tornado is eluded by the boys, who take refuge in a sanctuary. Cranks also jump down and face them. Jorge, their leader, engages in a battle against Minho. Jorge is about to defeat Minho when Thomas requests that Jorge speak with him-on-one. Thomas attempts to persuade Jorge during their talk to make sure they reach Safe Haven, as well as receive treatment for Flare. Jorge agrees, and states that he will only take Brenda, the lady from his gang. Jorge and Brenda accompany Thomas to a tunnel for food. A second group of Jorge’s team, who are upset that Jorge didn’t take them with him, causes a surge at the passage entrance. This separates Thomas as well Brenda from the rest. Brenda was actually very playful with Thomas throughout the whole time. Brenda attempts to take Thomas along the underground flows to reach the Safe house. But they are stopped by very ‘Gone’ or crazy Cranks. Half of a team abducts them as they attempt to take the surface path.-Gone Cranks that have a weapon. These Cranks are curious to find out why Thomas’s surname is plastered everywhere in the city on signs. Minho and the other members of the separate team arrive to save Thomas as the Cranks question him. Thomas is still alive when the Crank, who has the weapon, fires at him.
Thomas is delirious and wanders around in and out of consciousness. WICKED employees lift him into a ‘Berg’ aircraft to treat his injured shoulder. Thomas, along with his friends, is returned to the ground and moves towards a group of hills. The Safe Haven should be on the other side. However, Teresa shows up, armed. She is accompanied by the other women of Group B, also armed. They have been given instructions from WICKED to take Thomas, and to kill him in a mountain. Thomas agrees to let them take Thomas. Thomas is attacked by Teresa when he tries to talk. The entire situation is confusing, however, because Teresa whispers to Thomas several times. She claims that it’s all a trick and that things will definitely take place faster than expected. Thomas convinces the other ladies to not eliminate him but Teresa takes him home in the middle of evening. Aris, clearly in co-operation with Teresa, also returns. Aris as well as Teresa bring Thomas down and make him feel totally betrayed. The Scorch Trials Audio Book Download. Teresa pretends that she was not Thomas’s friend and that Aris is her favorite. Thomas feels terrible and succumbs to an unorthodox gas in the cave. He feels penalty when he stands up. Aris and Teresa inform him that they had been acting all along, just trying to make him feel betrayed. These were orders from WICKED. Thomas can’t trust Teresa anymore.
All the groups are merged in the desert below the hills. The flag in the sand indicates a safe haven. However, Thomas and his friends are confronted by huge beasts. A tornado and a WICKED Berg also start to form in this chaos. Everyone climbs onto the plane. WORTHLESS workers claim they can only save Jorge and Brenda, who are private citizens. Thomas picks Jorge, but after that Thomas knocks him out and demands that both civilians stay. Thomas and his pals are most likely not to rest and Thomas is then removed and divided once more. The book Ends with Ava Paige (the Chancellor) writing to her associates saying that considerations have begun. WORTHLESS is currently determining which Flare is truly susceptible and who isn’t.
The Apartment Trans is quickly experienced by young boys. Aris attempts to communicate with Thomas via telepathic communication, but Thomas rejects this attempt. They find themselves all in a dark tunnel and count down to ensure that everyone has made it through. The Without any light, darkness is complete. They continue to move forward, but a voice whispers to them, telling them they need to turn around or they’ll be cut. They continue to move forward, believing that this is an examination. After a while, the children start to scream. The Thomas attempts to stop the boy from yelling and convulsing on the ground. They discover that the boy’s head was also removed and replaced with a sphere made of steel. It is not clear what exactly has happened.
The The passage is being used by boys now. The A fatality sphere is granted to another person but the kids keep going. Minho is now the leader. The trapdoor also opens and allows for bright sunlight to enter. Winston sees a large globular of silver fluid as they make their way out of the passage. It sphericalizes into a sphere and flies directly in Winston’s direction. The Boys are horrified to see the true nature of fatality. The The silver encapsulates around Winston’s head, leaving scars and warmth wherever it touches. Thomas assists Winston in removing the gel from his head. The Rounds of silver goop fly down the tunnel. Winston is mentally and literally marked. He also whimpers in corners.
The The heat and brightness outside is almost unbearable The Children wrap themselves in sheets to protect their skin from the sun and prevent them from being bitten by insects. They see a barren wasteland all around them. They can see the barren, rugged hills in the distance. Halfway between the hills and the structures is what appears to be a small town. This wasteland is a result the destruction of the earth by the sun’s rays. They push as far as they can in the direction to the town, continuing on into the night. Thomas and Aris retrace their steps silently, discussing the death of Aris’s friend Rachel and Thomas’s close friend Chuck. Two runners come towards them and they are both disturbed. One is a woman, the other is a man. They are also covered in cloths, and their hands are red and scabbed. They identify themselves as Cranks and state that they were looking to find out if the young boys were also Cranks. This is a very high-ranking couple.-As they aren’t zombies, they can be used as a functioning set of cranks-I like it the least. The Cranks are referred to by man as ‘past their Gone’. This shows that there are many stages of Flare condition onset. The female leaves before the males run off again. She makes an odd statement that she wants to mention another group.
Thomas believes he hears a girl screaming shortly after darkness falls. Everyone hears it quickly. The As the children work towards the community’s goals, the howling continues into the night. Aris and Thomas talk about their Labyrinth experiences. They end up in the exact same experiment. Aris wonders if there are any other methods to weed out individuals or reproduce the enduring young women and men. The shrieking stops abruptly as well as a lady walks out of a building in front. She looks exactly like Teresa. Thomas is willing to travel alone to meet her at the shack. He insists that he and the other boys should not go with him. The The other boys are also worried about danger. Thomas realizes that Teresa is the girl. She transforms before he reaches her and then reenters his shack. Thomas mentions that the speaker-Like tools, they remain in the shack, likely transmitting the sobbing. Thomas doesn’t respond when Teresa lights a candlelight. The two of them finally get along and kiss. Thomas tells Teresa that they have to go, and Teresa retreats. Maze Runner, Book 2 – The Scorch Trials Audiobook Free. Thomas leaves her, promising her that he will find her eventually. Thomas is extremely upset when he returns to the group and won’t tell any of the other young boys about what happened. Instead, he makes them run with the desert. As they are nearing collapse due to fatigue, he tells them that Teresa had been acting strangely and should be left there. The children stopped resting after the tiring operation. Thomas had a dream in which Teresa and Thomas tried to connect telepathically. It was a memory that dates back to when they were only 10 or 11 years old.